Through her multidisciplinary art practice Yeb Wiersma asks us how we can be and feel alive in this world: who gets to flourish and why? What are the forces acting upon our tender and robust bodies? Us breathing in tumultuous, overstimulated and biased times.
Will we have room for togetherness? For a choir of distinct voices? Will we hear the laments of those calling from the peripheral? Exercise our emotional and sensorial connection to one another and to nature of which we are part? Questions to be challenged by the artist and at the heart of her work. In doing so, she allows us to imagine a different bond between us and earth: one which is no longer broken, but thriving along disturbed edges.
More recent Yeb Wiersma established the knowledge platform Dear Land (Cara Terra) investigating, caring for and rewilding our relationship with the living land we inhabit. Dear Land is rooted in Arpino (Lazio, IT) and draws inspiration from ecofeminism, mythology, (ancient) technology, botany and the mundane. Dear Land centers its research through diverse forms of practices, collective (un)learning, gatherings and sharing food.
Yeb Wiersma lives and works in Amsterdam (NL) and Arpino (IT) and graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie (Fine Arts) in Amsterdam after which she continued her studies at The Cooper Union, New York City and Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht (NL). Her works have been presented by FOAM Amsterdam, Migrant Journal, The Kröller Müller Museum a.o. (Images: Studio materials, Yeb Wiersma, 2023)